Monday, 12 August 2019


Today for Inquiry we were learning about the worm farm and the prosses of how it works. we went for a trip to the Environment Center and they were teaching us about what worms like to eat and what they dislike they do not like citrus or onion. I enjoyed learning about it and I thought it was really fun. First, you put dit and soil then you put scraps in, next you have to put newspaper to keep the worms warm. Once you have done that you water it to keep moist, then you collect the worm pee then you can sell it for peoples gardens.


  1. I agree with the worms i don't like onions eather :) I thought the trip was really fun to.

    1. Hi ella I am glad you liked my post what was your favourite part of the enviro center trip?

  2. I found the trip to the Enviro Centre fun and informative. I learnt a lot of new information.

  3. Hi Gill, I am glad you enjoyed it. What was your favourite part?


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